Configuring use of Mintscan API

Mintscan API is used for the following reports on the StakeTax website:

  • AKT

  • ARCH

  • ATOM

  • DYDX


  • INJ

  • JUNO

  • NTRN

  • OSMO

  • STRD

  • TIA

For the CSVs listed above, source data for transactions can be pulled from LCD node or Mintscan API in the codebase. LCD node as source data is default because it works out of the box. But Mintscan API as source data is preferable because it has a more complete history in almost all cases.

To change to Mintscan API as source data, do the following:

  1. Follow to get a Mintscan API key. Specifically,

  1. Add STAKETAX_MINTSCAN_KEY to your python environment:

# i.e.
export STAKETAX_MINTSCAN_KEY=<someverylongstringkey>
  1. Run the report per usual:.

# i.e.
python3 staketaxcsv/ <wallet_address>

Last updated