Add New CSV format example

Ah ok, so first you'll want to get any CSV working with the staketaxcsv code 
(Install and Usage as CLI section):

I found a random address on mintscan just now to use as an example below:

# create staketax csv
python staketaxcsv/ cosmos1xa0a5xxklr4cx27ay46ttputr7d7nh55hgsjrw

# create cointracker csv
python staketaxcsv/ cosmos1xa0a5xxklr4cx27ay46ttputr7d7nh55hgsjrw --format cointracker

# create cointracker csv for just one transaction (for testing)
python staketaxcsv/ cosmos1xa0a5xxklr4cx27ay46ttputr7d7nh55hgsjrw --format cointracker --txid FA6E219AC3C197F4881D30A7E216BE3ADC2D879B2EBAEE8D7BA99AB873310697

Then I’d use this example to make edits to src/staketaxcsv/common/Exporter*.py:

In the end, you'll want to get a command like this working:

python staketaxcsv/ cosmos1xa0a5xxklr4cx27ay46ttputr7d7nh55hgsjrw --format bitwave

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